First off, I was grounded a couple of days ago. I should get my cell phone back in a couple of days; or sometime next week. Why, you may ask? Because I got a detention in school. Why again may you ask? Because my Synergystics lab Partner is unequivically a pompous boob. Or, in Layman's Terms, a complete douchebag. He's always yelling at me for talking to other Modules, messing around with other Modules' equiptment, and for playing with the lab equiptment... Also, he's a tattletale, which can be linked to the above sentence(s). Then one day I got sick of it and elbowed him in the ribs. He tattled, and here I am, slapped with a week long cell phone ban.
Now, to talk about King of the Hill. Not only is it smart alecky enough for kids, and sophisticated enough for adults, but one of the last good wholesome shows on the television. It is now being replaced by "The Cleveland Show", another atrocity by Seth MacFarlain, but it being the second-longest running animated comedy in the history of tv. (I give you ONE guess what number one is, and it's been on for 21 seasons.) Well, that's enough ranting, better go take my Ridallin. Good night, and God speed, soliders, get them out, already Obama...