Sunday, July 26, 2009

Youtubeing twittering,blogging,stuffing.

Hey, it's Dakblogger, I just shot a new video for Youtube called the La Salle Massacre. Hope you like it. We're talking about a possible sequil. Follow me on Twitter. Check Stup1dg33kz. 'Kay, Dakblogger out.

Friday, July 24, 2009

New Stuff

Hey, It's Dakblogger. Haven't updated in awhile. Awhile. Okay, on to new buisness. I got a cell phone a few weeks back. Samsung Eternity. Still trying to find my old phone. It's a Razr. But seriously, folks, it's COMIC-CON TIME!!!!!!!!! The glourioous time when Comic nerds and webg33ks can co-exist without ridiclue, or wedgies. G4tv has total coverage. So don't miss it. Comic-con is one day away. Well, see ya later,
